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Monday, May 2, 2011

One day at a time...

I'm trying to make short term goals that are challenging but achievable. I know that by setting intentions for each day I will get closer and closer to my long term goals. Thank you Jane for reminding me to take it one day at a time. :) Long term goals are good, but it's easy to lose focus and feel defeated. For now, my goal is to move for 30 minutes every day.

As a part of this 30 minutes a day I've decided to kind of try some new, but not really new, things. I'm doing the Couch to 5K program (C25K) right now because I really want to be a runner. It's great exercise, but it's also a good way to meet both my short and long term goals. The program is 3 days a week for 9 weeks. So, my goal is to do it Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's. It's about 30 minutes and it integrates jogging intervals along with walking. Perfect for beginning runners! I've got one week under my belt so far, and tonight starts week two.

Last week I did the C25K only. Which means I did 30 minutes of cardio Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. This week my goal is to do the C25K Mon, Wed, Fri as well as elliptical Tues and Yoga Thursday. Cross training is important for runners because it helps you build important muscle and endurance. Also, I get bored so mixing it up is good for me. :)

At the end of the 9 weeks I have a 5K I want to do. The goal is to be able to run it from start to finish, but, I know that I can do a 5K regardless so, if I happen to not be at that level yet, I'll run as much as I can. I'll also be looking for other races to do in the summer and fall to keep up with my long term goal in 2012.

For now, I'm focusing on today. Today my goal is to do Week 2 Day 1 of Couch to 5K. My plan is to go home after work, change into my workout clothes and hit the pavement. I'll worry about tomorrow tomorrow. :)

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