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Friday, March 19, 2010

I did it!!!!!

I am officially under 300 pounds!! Not by much, but I'm there! Never again will my weight begin with 3 and soon enough it will no longer begin with 2 either! Next milestone, the 100 pound mark! I'm down 65 already so only another 35 to go! :)


  1. SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!!!! That's awesome girl!! Keep it up :) I can't wait until you reach that 100 mark, woohooo!!

  2. Way to go, Amy! Congratulations!

  3. Congrats it's always nice to make it too a new 100's column. In fact I get excited just to make it to a new tens column.

  4. AWESOME! ! ! You should be so are doing great!! Your weight will NEVER start with a '3' again. The pics you posted really show your progress. Your blog ispires so many of to keep going on our own weightloss/fitness journeys. Keep up the great work!!! :)

