Running the Disney Princess Half Marathon Ticker
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Monday, November 30, 2009

Days 39-40

Being bored and/or unproductive is not a good thing for me. I had a wonderful holiday week with 5 days off. I was able to take naps, take walks, catch up on the DVR... and go out of my mind! LOL

I decided that having a job is a good thing for me. :) It gives me purpose, and keeps me from focusing on all the petty things I criticize myself for. This vacation was very needed as I was quite stressed out at work, and just needed to decompress. But after a week off, I know that while vacations are necessary, my job is as well. :)

Having goals, a purpose, and accountability are critical to success. At work we have goals to ensure that not only we as individuals are performing successfully, but also to help ensure that the organization as a whole is successful.

I'm finding the same to be true in healthy living. When I have goals, purpose and accountability in my eating and exercise habits I am much more successful. So far my goals have been automating, getting in my water, no sugar, and 30 minutes of walking daily.

In addition to those goals (which are now becoming a part of my every day life and so are not as difficult to achieve) I've decided on a long term goal, with some short term goals to help me reach it. I'm going to run the Disney Princess Half Marathon in March. In order to achieve that goal, I'm adding some jogging spurts to my walk which will gradually increase in length and intensity as I'm able.

Another goal I've got in my head is that I'd like to reach the 50 pound mark by New Years Day. That's about 4 pounds a week from my last weigh in to that weigh in.

Having these goals is helping me to remember that every day counts. Every day I have to stick to my plan, get off my butt and go exercise, avoid those foods that will sabotage my satiation. Every day is an opportunity to get one step closer to my goals.


  1. Go, girl! I am looking to your thoughts as I begin the same journey. We do lose sight of our goals at times. Thanks for sharing that with us today. Blessings! Rita

  2. Keep at it and remember the journey is baby steps, and you are well on your way. It is great to reward yourself as you reach your goals, small and large.
